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Adult Form: Genesis Bible Study

Over the Spring, the Adult Forum will meet in the Chapel to discuss three books: Genesis until Lent, Leviticus during Lent, and Exodus in Eastertide. For our first series on Genesis, the approach will be to look at over-arching structures and themes in the narrative. For those interested, read the following chapters before each of the listed Sundays:
Sunday January 26: Genesis 1-2:3. The Cosmos
Sunday February 2: Genesis 2-11.9. The Nations
Sunday February 9: Genesis 11-25.18. Abraham
Sunday February 16: Genesis 25.19-26.35. Isaac
Sunday February 23: Genesis 27-35 Jacob
Sunday March 2: Genesis 36-50 Joseph
Be sure to bring questions and new connections to discuss. This is a book of “Old Stories,” so have fun!

February 2

Adult Forum: Genesis Bible Study

February 9

Newcomer Lunch