Pastoral Care Below is a list of our pastoral care groups. If you are interested in receiving pastoral care, or giving it, reach out to learn more. Daughters of the King An international lay order for women of the Episcopal Church. Members adopt a Rule of Life incorporating prayer and service. time commitment: second Sunday morning of the Marjie Lawrence and Robin Bridgewater. Reach out to for contact information.Pastoral Care Visits The clergy at St. Mark’s are available to meet in person, over the phone, or via video call to address a range of issues and concerns. Pastoral Care Meals This ministry helps provide a bit of respite by bringing meals to families experiencing a hospitalization, new baby, or recent death. contact: Diana Stangl. Reach out to for contact information.Circle of Support For Grief For those mourning the loss of a loved one. This group uses reflection, conversation and prayer to acknowledge the reality of death, remember the one who died, and look ahead to new life. time commitment: attendance at six weekly meetings.