Morning Prayer Online

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.

Aren’t familiar with the service of Morning Prayer? Check out the following videos for the history of the service and a walkthrough:

FAQ’s for participating:

  • How do I access the service? Follow the links posted on our website homepage, or click here.

  • How do I follow along with the service? Use your Book of Common Prayer (Morning Prayer, Rite II starts on page 75), or follow along with the bulletin shared in the video call.

  • I’m having trouble with the sound…You might need to unmute your microphone, or adjust the volume on your device. In some cases you might need to update your device microphone and/or speaker settings.

  • How can I lead a service? The Morning Prayer liturgy can be led by non-clergy. If you are interested in taking a more active role, please contact Fr. Zac ( or call the St. Mark’s office (512-444-1449).