Worship Minstries


Participate in the procession and assist at the altar during services.

Time commitment: one to two times per month on a rotating schedule.

Contact: Kelly Jennings, kelly@stmarksaustin.org


Read scripture and prayers during services.

Time commitment: one to two times a month, rotating schedule.

Contact: office@stmarksaustin.org

Lay Eucharistic Ministers & Visitors

Serve at the altar, help distribute communion during services. Visitors take communion to those who are homebound.

Time commitment: one to two times monthly.

Contact: Father Zac Koons, zac@stmarksaustin.org

Ushers and Greeters

Welcome people, hand out bulletins, help people find seating, pass the collection plates, assist with the offering.

Time commitment: serve on a team once a month at one service.

Contact: office@stmarksaustin.org


Count the Sunday offering, prepare the bank deposit, and deliver it to the Wells Fargo branch on South Lamar.

Time commitment: approximately once every six to eight weeks after the 11:15 a.m. service.

Contact: Mark Reed, mark@stmarksaustin.org

Altar Guild

Work behind the scenes to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and linens used for our services.

Time commitment: one weekend per month, one to two hours Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Contact: Judy Elkins, judyelkins@me.com

Sunday Hospitality

Make coffee, set up trays of doughnuts, fruit, and snacks, and help assemble our trademark breakfast tacos for coffee hour and adult formation time.

Time commitment: once every four to six weeks on Sundays. Set up starts at 8:30 am.

Contact: Jennifer Gallardo-Payne, jgallardopayne@me.com or office@stmarksaustin.org