Visitor FAQs

Where are you located?

St. Mark’s is located in central south Austin in the Barton Hills Neighborhood, adjacent to the Barton Creek greenbelt.

2128 Barton Hills Drive
Austin, TX 78704

What times are your services?

  • Program Year Sunday Schedule (Sep-May): 7:45 am, 9:00 am, 11:15 am (with Livestream), Coffee Hour at 10:00 am

  • Summer Sunday Schedule: 8:00 am, 10:00 am (with Livestream)

  • Monday-Friday, Virtual Morning Prayer: 8:30 am (follow this link to learn more)

  • Tuesdays, Holy Eucharist Rite II: 12:00 pm, Grace Chapel

  • Saturdays, Contemplative Prayer: 8:30 am, Grace Chapel

What are your services like and how long do they last?

Services are Holy Eucharist according to The Book of Common Prayer (1979). See our Sunday Schedule and Service Description page for more.

Do your services include music?

Yes! Our organist plays at both the 9:00 am and 11:15 Sunday services, and both services include congregational hymns. During the program year, the adult choir sings at the 11:15 am service (Sept - May). The St. Mark’s Choristers (children’s choir) sing approximately once a month during the program year. Read more here.

Do you have Christian Formation?

Sunday School for children and adults is offered between services during the program year (September through May). Sunday Forum is held every Sunday during the program year, at 10am in the chapel. We explore a variety of topics, including the books of the Bible, the history and traditions of our faith, and how our faith intersects with issues in daily life. We also periodically have adult classes, such as St. Mark’s 101 or Being With. Check out our social media ( for our most up-to-date adult class schedule.

Families are encouraged to join our coffee hour and to sign in their children for supervised playground time while they attend adult Sunday School. Programs for children include Children’s Church and other events throughout the year.

Do you have programs for children and youth?

Yes! Check out our Kids and Youth pages for more information. For more information, contact Casey Bushman, Director of Christian Formation at

Do you have a nursery or Children’s Church?

A nursery is available on Sundays for children, ranging from crawling babies - 3 years, and is open from 8:45 am - 12:15 pm every Sunday (Sept. - May), and in the summer, on Sundays from 9:45 - 11:15 am.

Children’s Church is held for children ages 3-7 at the summer 10:00 am service. The children are formally dismissed early in the service and then rejoin their families before Communion.

What if my child is restless during the service?

The spontaneous joyful noises of children are always welcome at St. Mark’s, but if your child is overly restless, rocking chairs are provided in the Narthex, along with a children’s “little library,” and coloring book pages with crayons.

Who may receive communion?

All Christians who have been baptized are welcome to receive communion. Those who have not yet been baptized are still encouraged to come forward to the rail and to receive a prayer of blessing. To indicate that you’d like a prayer of blessing, kneel at the rail, and cross your arms over your chest.

At what age may children receive communion?

Children are welcome to receive communion at any time after they have been baptized.

Do you have more information on baptisms, weddings, or funerals?

Yes! Find more information on our pages dedicated to baptisms, weddings, and funerals, including eligibility, fees, preparation, etc.

How do I become a member of St. Mark’s?

Go to our “Become a Member” page to find out!