Upcoming Events
Day School Sunday
A special 9am service where we welcome and celebrate the families of the St. Mark’s Day School! Come hear the kid’s choir and connect with your community.
Adult Forum: Genesis Bible Study
Over the Spring, the Adult Forum will meet in the Chapel to discuss three books: Genesis until Lent, Leviticus during Lent, and Exodus in Eastertide. For our first series on Genesis, the approach will be to look at over-arching structures and themes in the narrative. For those interested, read the following chapters before each of the listed Sundays:
Sunday January 26: Genesis 1-2:3. The Cosmos
Sunday February 2: Genesis 2-11.9. The Nations
Sunday February 9: Genesis 11-25.18. Abraham
Sunday February 16: Genesis 25.19-26.35. Isaac
Sunday February 23: Genesis 27-35 Jacob
Sunday March 2: Genesis 36-50 Joseph
Be sure to bring questions and new connections to discuss. This is a book of “Old Stories,” so have fun!
Youth Education Returns
Youth Education returns at 10am in the conference room on Sunday, January 26th and will be led by Mother Zoe.
Adult Forum: Genesis Bible Study
Over the Spring, the Adult Forum will meet in the Chapel to discuss three books: Genesis until Lent, Leviticus during Lent, and Exodus in Eastertide. For our first series on Genesis, the approach will be to look at over-arching structures and themes in the narrative. For those interested, read the following chapters before each of the listed Sundays:
Sunday January 26: Genesis 1-2:3. The Cosmos
Sunday February 2: Genesis 2-11.9. The Nations
Sunday February 9: Genesis 11-25.18. Abraham
Sunday February 16: Genesis 25.19-26.35. Isaac
Sunday February 23: Genesis 27-35 Jacob
Sunday March 2: Genesis 36-50 Joseph
Be sure to bring questions and new connections to discuss. This is a book of “Old Stories,” so have fun!
Adult Form: Genesis Bible Study
Over the Spring, the Adult Forum will meet in the Chapel to discuss three books: Genesis until Lent, Leviticus during Lent, and Exodus in Eastertide. For our first series on Genesis, the approach will be to look at over-arching structures and themes in the narrative. For those interested, read the following chapters before each of the listed Sundays:
Sunday January 26: Genesis 1-2:3. The Cosmos
Sunday February 2: Genesis 2-11.9. The Nations
Sunday February 9: Genesis 11-25.18. Abraham
Sunday February 16: Genesis 25.19-26.35. Isaac
Sunday February 23: Genesis 27-35 Jacob
Sunday March 2: Genesis 36-50 Joseph
Be sure to bring questions and new connections to discuss. This is a book of “Old Stories,” so have fun!
Newcomer Lunch
Fr. Zac invites you to join members of the St. Mark's staff and others new to the community to a casual newcomer lunch in the Parish Hall. This newcomer lunch tradition is a great opportunity for us all to get to know each other and ask any questions you might have about St. Mark’s.
St. Mark’s 101 Class
New to St. Mark’s? Join us in the conference room on 10am for our 101 class, which introduces newcomers to St. Mark’s, our church family, and the Episcopalian tradition.
Adult Forum: Genesis Bible Study
Over the Spring, the Adult Forum will meet in the Chapel to discuss three books: Genesis until Lent, Leviticus during Lent, and Exodus in Eastertide. For our first series on Genesis, the approach will be to look at over-arching structures and themes in the narrative. For those interested, read the following chapters before each of the listed Sundays:
Sunday January 26: Genesis 1-2:3. The Cosmos
Sunday February 2: Genesis 2-11.9. The Nations
Sunday February 9: Genesis 11-25.18. Abraham
Sunday February 16: Genesis 25.19-26.35. Isaac
Sunday February 23: Genesis 27-35 Jacob
Sunday March 2: Genesis 36-50 Joseph
Be sure to bring questions and new connections to discuss. This is a book of “Old Stories,” so have fun!
Adult Forum: Genesis Bible Study
Over the Spring, the Adult Forum will meet in the Chapel to discuss three books: Genesis until Lent, Leviticus during Lent, and Exodus in Eastertide. For our first series on Genesis, the approach will be to look at over-arching structures and themes in the narrative. For those interested, read the following chapters before each of the listed Sundays:
Sunday January 26: Genesis 1-2:3. The Cosmos
Sunday February 2: Genesis 2-11.9. The Nations
Sunday February 9: Genesis 11-25.18. Abraham
Sunday February 16: Genesis 25.19-26.35. Isaac
Sunday February 23: Genesis 27-35 Jacob
Sunday March 2: Genesis 36-50 Joseph
Be sure to bring questions and new connections to discuss. This is a book of “Old Stories,” so have fun!
St. Mark’s 101 Class
New to St. Mark’s? Join us in the conference room on 10am for our 101 class, which introduces newcomers to St. Mark’s, our church family, and the Episcopalian tradition.
Adult Form: Genesis Bible Study
Over the Spring, the Adult Forum will meet in the Chapel to discuss three books: Genesis until Lent, Leviticus during Lent, and Exodus in Eastertide. For our first series on Genesis, the approach will be to look at over-arching structures and themes in the narrative. For those interested, read the following chapters before each of the listed Sundays:
Sunday January 26: Genesis 1-2:3. The Cosmos
Sunday February 2: Genesis 2-11.9. The Nations
Sunday February 9: Genesis 11-25.18. Abraham
Sunday February 16: Genesis 25.19-26.35. Isaac
Sunday February 23: Genesis 27-35 Jacob
Sunday March 2: Genesis 36-50 Joseph
Be sure to bring questions and new connections to discuss. This is a book of “Old Stories,” so have fun!
Annual Meeting & Parish Photo
Please join us in the sanctuary at 10am on Sunday, January 19th for our Annual Meeting & Parish Photo.
Bp. Andy Doyle will visit St. Mark’s on January 12 to offer confirmation and reception for those ready to make a mature commitment to Christ or reaffirm their faith. Confirmation is a sacramental rite for deepening our faith and renewing our commitment to the Church community. Adults joining from other traditions can also officially enter the Episcopal Church through confirmation. Preparation includes an all-day retreat on Saturday, January 11, from 9 AM to 1:30 PM. For more details, contact Fr. Zac at zac@stmarksaustin.org.
Children's Formation Returns
Children’s Formation will return on Sunday, Jan. 12th at 10am.
Confirmation Retreat
Bp. Andy Doyle will visit St. Mark’s on January 12 to offer confirmation and reception for those ready to make a mature commitment to Christ or reaffirm their faith. Confirmation is a sacramental rite for deepening our faith and renewing our commitment to the Church community. Adults joining from other traditions can also officially enter the Episcopal Church through confirmation. Preparation includes an all-day retreat on Saturday, January 11, from 9 AM to 1:30 PM. For more details, contact Fr. Zac at zac@stmarksaustin.org.
2nd Sunday after Christmas
Please note that there will only be two services on this Sunday, January 5th: 8am and 10am.
1st Sunday after Christmas
Please note that there will only be two services on this Sunday, December 29th: 8am and 10am.
1st Sunday after Christmas
Please note that there will only be two services on this Sunday, December 29th: 8am and 10am.
Christmas Eve Service - Holy Eucharist Rite II w/ Prelude Concert and Adult Choir
Prelude Concert will start around 9:30pm, followed by the service at 10pm.
Christmas Eve Service - Holy Eucharist Rite II w/ Prelude Concert and Adult Choir
Prelude Concert will start around 7pm, followed by the service at 7:30pm.
Christmas Eve Service - Holy Eucharist Rite II w/ Pageant
You are invited to our Christmas Eve Pageant Eucharist on Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 4:30pm. All children are welcome to pick up a costume on their way in (via the parish hall), and participate as an animal, angel, or shepherd. The service will include carols, candles, and Communion, and will be not more than an hour long.
Lessons & Carols
Join us for our annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at 11:15 a.m. on Dec 15th. The Adult Choir and Children’s Choristers will sing a variety of beautiful music for the season, and we’ll hear the Christmas story from the pages of scripture. The choirs will be joined by talented instrumentalists from the St. Mark’s community.
Visit from St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas will be visiting our 9am Family service to spread some Christmas cheer!
Cookie Giving at Community First! Village
Join Us for Cookie Giving at Community First! Village on Dec. 7
Families of St. Mark's, spend the afternoon of Dec 7th (1-4pm) at the Bushmans' home in Community First! Village, baking, packaging, and sharing cookies with their neighbors. Please bring a cookie mix or ingredients to prepare, along with any needed baking sheets, parchment paper, mixing bowls, and gift boxes/bags. Please sign up here with what you plan to contribute. Hope to see you there!
DOK Advent Quiet Day
Join us for a peaceful Advent Quiet Day hosted by the St. Theresa Chapter of St. Mark's DOK on Sat., Dec. 7, from 9am to 2pm. All are welcome! The day includes a continental breakfast, Morning Prayer, guided meditations, personal quiet time, a salad and sandwich lunch, a homily from Mother Zoe, and concludes with the Holy Eucharist. Come for the entire day or as long as you’re able.
Advent Wreath Making
Join us on during coffee hour to make your own Advent wreath, or to refresh one you already have.
An Advent Wreath is a way of marking the season of preparation for Christmas. There are four Sundays in the season of Advent (the word means arrival). The wreath has four candles around its base. Each candle is lit, accumulatively, on each Sunday in the season. You can say a prayer such as the collect for that Sunday, at each candle-lighting. See below.
The candles might be either all the seasonal color of Advent (at St. Mark’s that is blue); or, three in the seasonal color, with one pink. The pink candle marks the third Sunday in Advent. Traditionally, Advent, a time of preparation of the Lord’s coming, has been penitential in nature. The third Sunday, known as Gaudete Sunday, has been a respite from those penitential disciplines.
Often, a fifth, white candle is placed in the middle of the wreath, and lit on Christmas Eve.
First Sunday of Advent
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of
darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of
this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit
us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come
again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the
dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
for ever. Amen.
Second Sunday of Advent
Merciful God, who sent your messengers the prophets to
preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation:
Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins,
that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our
Redeemer; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Third Sunday of Advent
Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come
among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins,
let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver
us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and
the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation,
that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a
mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Ingathering Sunday
Everything we have belongs to God, and we are stewards of His gifts. Stewardship means using these resources for God’s purposes and glory. Through our giving, we support ministry both within and beyond St. Mark’s, while deepening our trust in God. The mission of St. Mark’s is funded by the generous pledges of our members, and we encourage everyone to submit a pledge card annually, with the goal of eventually tithing 10% of their income. On All Saints Sunday (November 3), we gather and bless these pledges during worship. If you can’t attend, you can still submit your pledge by mailing it to the church office or filling out our online forms: stmarksaustin.org/pledgenow